Law Enforcement and Community Leaders to Host Solution Seeking Bridge Forum with High School Students
November 9, 2017 4:41 am
Law Enforcement and Teens Learn how Living Together and Working Together Leads to Respect
The Checkered Flag Run Foundation, NAACP Maricopa County Branch and Greater Phoenix Urban League will partner with event sponsor, AXON (formerly TASER), to host The Bridge Forum at South Mountain High School (5401 S. 7th St.) on Tuesday, Nov. 14th from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The invitation-only event will work with South Mountain High School’s senior class and the Teen Court, a problem-solving court within the juvenile justice system, to seek solutions and best policing practices from top law enforcement professionals. Community leaders from district 8 and parents of both the Teen Court and South Mountain high school are also invited to participate in the forum.
“We have done several of these Bridge Forums in the past for stakeholders, and now we want to gear this event towards high schoolers to promote a better relationship between young adults and our law enforcement officials,” says founder of Checkered Flag Run Foundation, Alan “AP” Powell.
The Bridge Forum will host welcoming remarks from South Mountain High School Principal, Brian S. Guliford and Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton. The Mistress of Ceremonies for the event will be President of Maricopa County NAACP Branch, Dr. Ann Hart. The event will be moderated by CEO and President of the National Newspaper Publishers Association, Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., who is the former Executive Director of the NAACP and National Director of the Million Man March. Chavis Jr. also served as the assistant to Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and co-founded the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network with music mogul, Russell Simmons.
The forum will feature law enforcement officials from across metropolitan Phoenix, who will lead interactive dialogue sessions to gauge different perspectives, attitudes and beliefs about community policing and police etiquette. Feedback from participants will be recorded and used by Arizona’s police departments for additional research and curriculum training, and to better impact the community by using best policing practices.
Other notable speakers will include Checkered Flag Run Foundation Board Member, Dennis E. Prince; State of Arizona, and District 27 Representative, Reginald Bolding. Panelists will include Police Chief of Phoenix, Jeri Williams; Maricopa County Sheriff, Paul Penzone; Police Chief of Scottsdale, Alan G. Rodbell; and Police Chief of Peoria, Roy W. Minter. The President of Greater Phoenix Urban League, George Dean, will give closing remarks before opening up the floor for pre-selected questions and media interviews.
Media is invited to attend the Bridge Forum at South Mountain High School and will be selected for post-event interviews. For more information about The Bridge Forum, visit http://www.thebridgeforum.com.
About Checkered Flag Run Foundation
The Checkered Flag Run Foundation provides diverse educational programs that impact under-served students and veterans. They believe access to quality educational opportunities ensures the investment of every student and Veteran getting to cross the “finish line.”