HeroZona Announces the Arizona Commencement Breakfast
July 26, 2018 4:47 am
HeroZona Kicks-Off HeroPreneur’s National Veteran Business Summit.
HeroPreneur, a three day experience for America’s veterans, including Arizona’s 640,000 veterans and 2,000 veteran owned companies, will host an invitation-only kick-off to the National Veteran Business Summit on Monday, July 30 with an Arizona Commencement Breakfast. The event breakfast will be hosted by Crescent Crown Disturbing and sponsored by Hegg’s Auto Group, Checkered Flag Run Foundation and Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services. Breakfast will be prepared by Artisan by Santa Barbara Catering. It will be held from 8 to 9:30 a.m. at Crescent Crown Distributing (1640 W. Broadway Road in Mesa, Ariz).
The commencement breakfast will open with a greeting from Checkered Flag Run Foundation board president, event moderator and U.S. Air Force veteran, Ronnie R. Williams. The American Legion Post 41 USMC veteran, Chaplain Oscar Santa-Cruz will give the invocation and U.S. Arizona Congresswoman and U.S. Air Force retired fighter pilot, Martha McSally will sing the national anthem and former vice mayor and City of Phoenix District 8 councilman, Michael E. Johnson will lead The Pledge of Allegiance. Mesa Arizona mayor, John Giles will give welcoming remarks. The event will be hosted by executive vice-president and general manager of Crescent Crown Distributing, Joe Cotroneo.
There will be an opportunity for guests and the media to listen to presentations from event partners and sponsors such as, Arizona Commerce Authority president and CEO, Sandra Watson; co-founder of the Checkered Flag Run Foundation, Aaron D. Bare; U.S. Air Force retired Arizona director of Veteran Services’, Col. Wanda A. Wright; Arizona Chamber of Commerce vice president and executive director of Arizona Manufacturing Council, Allison Gilbreath; former representative for Arizona’s 5th congressional district and ASU vice president of government affairs, Matt Salmon; and representatives from the Arizona Corporate Council on Veteran Careers and Vet Fran.
HeroPreneur has created a strategic alliance with the Million Dollar Circle of Excellence for the 2018 Heropreneur National Veteran Business Summit. President and CEO of the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Gonzalo de la Melena Jr. will be representing the company at this event.
U.S. Congressman and USMC combat veteran Ruben Gallego, U.S. Congressman David Schweikert and Scottsdale mayor Jim Lane will be in attendance. There will also be national veteran service organizations in attendance such as the American Legion, Disabled American Veterans, AMVETS and Veterans of Foreign War.
After the presentations, there will be opportunities to ask questions and network with the event partners.
“HeroZona is excited for year two of the HeroPreneur National Veteran Business Summit. It’s great to see all of the incredible growth, sponsors, supporters and partners that our three day experience has gained,” says Checkered Flag Run Foundation founder and U.S. Army Desert Storm veteran, Alan “AP” Powell.
The three day engagement will then return to Phoenix from November 13 through November 16 to empower veterans through entrepreneurship, education, and careers while celebrating the 100th anniversary of Veterans Day. It is spearheaded by HeroZona and Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services, in conjunction with Nielsen, Arizona Corporate Council and VetFran.
“”VetFran is proud to partner with HeroZona’s HeroPreneur in making this second annual HeroPreneur National Veteran Business Summit a success. Veterans punch well above their weight in franchising and entrepreneurship, and giving the next generation of veteran business leaders a leg up is at the core of our shared mission. The city of Phoenix and the State of Arizona have a long running commitment to the veteran community, and we’re excited to be part of the action on the ground in November,” says VetFran director, Radim Dragomaca.
A portion of the proceeds from the HeroZona experiences will support organizations such as the Checkered Flag Run Foundation, Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Honoring Arizona’s Veterans and the Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services veteran programs.
“Nielsen is proud to be releasing our study on veteran consumers at Herozona in coordination with Checkered Flag Foundation. This study seeks to help brands and service providers better address the wants and needs of service members and their families, “says SVP global communications and multicultural marketing at Nielsen, Andrew McCaskill.
Members of the Arizona Corporate Council on Veterans Careers, a group representing more than 30 Arizona companies which employs significant numbers of veterans, will also participate in the breakfast.
“This is a great opportunity for our Corporate Council member companies to become involved early on in the 2018 HeroPreneur and Herozona celebration,” says retired Navy rear admiral, Corporate Council co-chairman and APS Director of External Communications, Hal Pittman. “Corporate Council companies have a vested interest in facilitating veteran hiring and careers. HeroZona is the statewide banner that says Arizona is open for business to those who have served.”
Registration for the Arizona Commencement Breakfast on Monday, July 30 will begin at 7 a.m. and there will also be an opportunity to register online at herozona.org/azbreakfast. For a full list of HeroZona events, visit herozona.org.
About HeroZona
Founded by U.S. Army Desert Storm veteran, Alan “AP” Powell, HeroZona’s HeroPreneur is a week-long Veterans Day engagement that empowers and celebrates America’s Veterans in Arizona. HeroZona ‘s Annual Heropreneur Veteran Business Summit has created a multi-day networking experience to improve America’s support of veteran companies through workshops, networking, entrepreneurial connections, and seminars; culminated by various entertainment events including the Phoenix Veterans Day Parade, HeroZona Honor Walk and other entertainment activities. For more information visit http://www.herozona.org.